Contact Information

What can we do for you?

CRS a.s.
Revoluční 17, 110 00 – Praha 1
Po–Pá 9–17h
How to park your car near usBilling address

Office Management
Monika Jiráková
+420 778 523 977

If you want to discuss business, contact Daniel.

Daniel Míšek, CEO

Blah blah blah, enough about us!
Now, let's talk about you.

Send us a brief explanation of your project. We'd be happy to meet and discuss it.

Any additional data: Brief, visual materials etc.

I consent to being contacted by CRS a.s. using the provided information. More information on how we process your personal data here.

Billing Adress

CRS a.s.
Klapkova 546
182 00 – Praha 8
Czech Republic

Identification Details

IČO: 28387741
DIČ: CZ28387741

Logistic Entrance

CRS a.s.
Hradební 764/8
110 00 – Praha 1
Czech Republic

Fenster/Schule Gallery

Richard Wiesner